In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Hobbybrouwerij Het Nest Jack Of Spades

Aroma: “Black pepper hits you right off the bat, followed by subtle hints of pear, biscuit, floral, and white wine–like berry notes. Light sweet honey-malt character but not as much of the phenol/ ester combination normally expected for the style.”

Flavor: “The flavor is more interesting than the nose. Subtle banana and restrained black pepper followed by a strong herbal hops presence that comes paired with hints of black tea. Minimal fruit flavors, but a strong phenolic yeast profile. Good carbonation that comes off more creamy than carbonic.”

Overall: “The Belgian character is there, but muted in the mix. The malt backbone is good, and the phenol and ester yeast character, though somewhat restrained, is enjoyable. The individual elements don’t quite fully harmonize, but this would be a fantastic food beer, using the spiciness to showcase a spicy dish. Very good overall.”
