In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Brasserie Dupont Monk's Stout Dupont
Aroma: “Medium-high cherry aroma, with some raisin and plum esters. A slight funk, with some low Brett characteristics and funky notes. A little roast sets up the acidity that emerges as it warms. Herbal and effervescent, with some eucalyptus and slight peppermint. Very unexpected, but pleasant.”
Flavor: “An interesting combination of plum, cherry, heavy roast, and effervescent herbal qualities that give an almost menthol, numbing note. The roast turns into a burned incense, with smoke at the back end. Very interesting yeasty character in the middle of the palate, with some slight barnyard and farmhouse characters.”
Overall: “This is a yeast-driven beer, with secondary consideration given to the malt. The body is thin and the carbonation heavy, but the fruity and yeasty characteristics carry throughout. Quite a unique and bold beer.”