In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Station 26 Brewing Company Single Hop Citra IPA

Aroma: “: Juicy, dank, resiny hops aroma with a hint of spice and citrus. Light malt sweetness. Very aromatic with peach jelly, black currant, and grapefruit leading the charge. A touch of herbal, minty notes adds complexity without detracting. Clean yeast and malt character.”

Flavor: “Bright, juicy, dank hops dominate with hints of grapefruit and a subtle mango/pineapple note, but not as much bitterness as I was expecting from the aroma. Light, clean malt sweetness. Nice dry finish with a pleasant bitterness that doesn't seem to linger. A very full chewy IPA, with a wheat-like turbidity. Alcohol presence lends a warming finish. Bitter enough to pull it all together, without overpowering.”

Overall: “Very different aroma and flavor profiles, but nice complexity with fruit, pine, and resin. Very contemporary example of the style, focusing more on the dank, resiny, tropical fruit hops than on straight citrus and pine. Huge hops complexity with the malt and yeast only supporting, not competing. Great body and finish that makes it smooth drinking and pleasant.”
