In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Fort George Brewery Vortex IPA

Aroma: “Hops character is very prominent. Nice juicy fruity (orange and grapefruit) notes, some pine, and some malt sweetness. Faint breadiness.”

Flavor: “Some juicy grapefruit character and orange citrus notes. Serious hops flavor and bitter edge make a strong hoppy assertion. The bitterness lingers strongly into the finish and contributes a mild astringency, but the hops flavor sticks around to keep it company. There’s enough malt sweetness to remind you that it’s beer and not hops tea.”

Overall: “Big hops and everything you’d expect from a IPA, although I’d prefer a little more competition from the malt and a richer mouthfeel. Pretty spot on for the style.”
