Drew Beechum

Recipe: Cherrywood-Smoked Porter

Equally fit for a long winter or backyard barbecues, this recipe balances mellow cherrywood-smoked malt with a robust porter foundation.

Smoke in the Dark: Embracing Smoked Stouts and Porters

The primal pleasure of smoke can add comforting depth to our stouts, porters, and other dark beers. Drew Beechum is here with the fireside story and practical tips.

Brewing Triple IPAs and Beyond: Battling Against Nature

Brewing a great higher-gravity IPA demands more from you than simply going bigger. The ingredients and their tendencies are all against you doing this and making it drinkable—but it can be done. Here’s your battle plan, based on advice from the pros.

Embrace Hoppy Lager (By Whatever Name)

An American beer scene still dominated by IPA is enjoying a renaissance of small-scale lager brewing—the ground is fertile for combining the best of both. We don’t care what you call it—IPL, cold IPA, hoppy pilsner, whatever—as long as we get to drink it.

Mother’s Home! Bring on the Booch

One of the world’s most interesting fermented drinks is well within the homebrewing wheelhouse. Drew Beechum breaks it down, from SCOBY-hunting to flavors and alcohol-boosting. Have you checked your chakras lately?

Paint the Town Brown

It began as a striking reaction to industrial beer before fading into near-obscurity. Drew Beechum tells the tale of brown ale and makes the case for brewing up a big, malty hug.

Homebrewing Tips: Destroy Chaos & Embrace Your Space

Do future-you a favor: Take the time to organize your brewing zone.

Recipe: Mitten Winds IPA

This is an ideal recipe for trying out the cold-and-short method of dry hopping—in this iteration, with fruity Michigan-grown Chinook, but you can sub in whatever hops you want to test.

Rethinking Dry Hops: Quicker, Colder … and Better?

Many of us these days seem to dry hop like that old joke about voting—early and often. Drew Beechum makes the counterintuitive case for the “cold-and-short” method.

Collaboration: Keeping It Social with the Brew Club

Beer brings people together—but over the past year, many people couldn’t get together at all. How does a homebrew club “club” when the clubhouse is closed? Drew Beechum has a few solutions that could remain useful even after the pandemic.