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Video Tip: Using Candi Sugar in Abbey Ales

Paul Odell is here with some tips on how to pick the right candi sugar for your Abbey-style ales.

Video Tip: The Advantages of Adding Farmed Ingredients to Your Coolship

While the normal process is to add special ingredients on the cold side Evan Watson of Plan Bee Farm Brewery makes a compelling case for why you should add everything from herbs to fruit into your coolship during the initial fermentation period.

Video Tip: Brewing Adjunct Beers with Maple Syrup

Learn about brewing with maple syrup from Neil Fisher, the head brewer and owner of WeldWerks Brewing in this tip of the week.

Video Tip: Farm Brewing In An Urban Environment

In this video tip Evan Watson says it's not impossible to make farm-inspired beers if you live in a more populated area, but it takes some thought and planning.

Video Tip: The Importance of Lactic Acid When Making Saké

Certified Saké Advisor Jeff Cioletti discusses the importance of lactic acid in the Saké making process.

Video Tip: One Very Important Piece of Equipment

Taylor Caron is here to talk about brewing high gravity beers and in this video tip discusses one very important piece of equipment.

Video Tip: Boil Times for Low ABV Beers

BJCP Grand Master Josh Weikert talks about the length of the boil and why it matters when making low ABV recipes.

Video Tip: Making Yeast Work for You When Distilling

Stress your yeast in different ways for more interesting characters in your spirits. Learn more about the distilling process in this video tip.

Video: Testing Your Water For Brewing

Testing both your water quality and composition at your brewery site might dictate the kind of filtration equipment you might need. Plus, why measuring pH is so important, no matter the batch size you're making.

Video: Bottle Conditioning with Mixed Fermentation Beers

When bottle conditioning be mindful of THP. Kyle Carbaugh is here to help.