
Video Tip: A Closer Look at How Hops Are Picked in the Yakima Valley

Brewers wouldn't get their hops—fresh or otherwise—without the unusual machines that pick them. Here’s a look at how these pickers work on a few different farms.

Video Tip: How a Fresh-Hopped Beer Comes Together at Single Hill

Single Hill cofounder and head brewer Zach Turner explains how collaborators, farmers, and pick windows all play a role in shaping a fresh-hopped beer on any given day during harvest season in the Yakima Valley.

Video Tip: Fresh Hops, Wet Hops, and Planning How to Use Them

Single Hill cofounder and head brewer Zach Turner explains the difference between fresh-hopping and wet-hopping, laying out a few different ways that breweries tend to use them on the hot side and cold side.

Video Tip: Planting the Flavor of Hemp Seeds in Your Beer

There is more to cannabis than the flowers. Ross Koenigs, founder and brewer at Second Dawn in Aurora, Colorado, explains why earthy, nutty hemp seeds can work beautifully in beer when used as a cereal adjunct.

Video Course: Fresh Approaches to Fresh-Hopped Beers with Single Hill

Join Single Hill cofounder and head brewer Zach Turner on an expedition to the Yakima Valley at harvest time to pick up the freshest hops, then take them back to the brewery and add them—in different forms and different ways—to beers brewed on the same day.

Video Tip: This Key Step Sets Brewing for THC Apart from Using Cannabis for Flavor and Aroma

Ross Koenigs, founder and brewer at Second Dawn in Aurora, Colorado, explains the basics of decarboxylation, why that step is necessary to activate THC, and why a tincture is the the most prudent route for homebrewers to take.

Video Tip: Considering Cannabis as an Ingredient for Aroma and Flavor

Ross Koenigs explains why homebrewers may want to consider cannabis as a flavorful ingredient—even if they’re not trying to extract THC—and how to evaluate its aroma for beer.

Video Tip: Why Brewers Know More than They Might Think About Cannabis

Ross Koenigs, founder and brewmaster at Second Dawn in Aurora, Colorado, explains the physiological similarities of cannabis and hops, and thus why brewers should already have a basic understanding of how to brew with cannabis for flavor.

Video Course: Homebrewing with Cannabis

Ross Koenigs, founder and brewmaster at Second Dawn in Aurora, Colorado, explains the science and practicalities of making beer at home with hemp and marijuana.

More Efficient Packaging to Keep Up with Demand

When Chicago’s Noon Whistle started expanding its regional sales footprint, its team faced the challenge of brewing and canning at a larger scale. Today, they multipack their product four times faster thanks to choosing a reliable partner.