In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Three Floyds Brewing Company Alpha King

Aroma: “Grapefruit rind and citrus peel up front, very juicy with a nice subtle caramel malt sweetness that pairs nicely. Dry piney notes are balanced by citrus and tropical fruit hops with prominent mango and lemon zest notes.”

Flavor: “Grapefruit and citrus hops notes pair well with a subtle malt sweetness. Very balanced with both sweet and bitter flavors shining through. A juicy hops flavor with an intriguingly crisp malt bill that finishes slightly sweet. It may get a little sweet for the style, but the piney and resinous hops flavors balance the fruit notes while the malt backbone supports the hops flavors.”

Overall: “A very nice, classic APA with a touch more sweetness than most that works to pull the beer together. The malt backbone adds depth and support for the array of hops flavors without overshadowing them—it’s a creative take on the style.”
