In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Civil Life American Brown Ale

Aroma: “Toasty malt with a hint of roast and chocolate and a touch of cherry and raspberry followed by piney and citrus hops. Nice toasted nut flavors. Bright chocolate, biscuit, and caramel malts followed by balanced hops and yeast esters.”

Flavor: “Light malt sweetness followed by firm bitterness that sticks around well past the finish. A touch of rye or pumpernickel spice adds intriguing complexity. The hops come through more in the flavor with pine, grassy, slightly earthy, and grapefruit pith character.”

Overall: “The lightly roasted interpretation of the style is endearing—it lacks the sharp edges typical of so many browns. This is what I want to drink on a crisp autumn afternoon—it’s so crushable and balanced, you could take down two of these while looking for pumpkins and still have enough of your wits about you to PR a corn maze.”
