Style: Flemish-Style Sour

ABV: 5.5

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 16
Mouthfeel: 5

Brouwerij Van Steenberge Monk's Cafe

What the brewers say

“Oud Bruin in style; a traditional blend of young and old beers.”

What our panel thought

Aroma: “Bready sweetness, brown sugar, caramel, very Belgian nose. Very floral aroma—jasmine. Doesn’t smell like a Flanders. Very perfume and grap- ey. Strong acetic-acid aroma, balanced with a slight malty sweetness.”

Flavor: “Flavors of blackberries and cur- rants. Fruit cocktail: pear, maraschino cherry, apricot, pineapple. Light tartness gives way to a very sweet, light-bodied beer. Finish is cotton-candy sweet. Malt is almost chocolaty. Doesn’t taste like a Flanders. Moderately low acidity is out of style. Strange perfume and grape flavor. Spicy phenolics. Odd flavor combo. Slight carbonic bite. Creamy body and a sweet finish.”

Overall: “I think it may be a love-it or hate-it beer. There are no discernible off flavors but the combination of sugar-sweet and tart is quite odd. As a Flanders, it’s weirdly fruity and not very sour at all. An approachable beer, but perhaps a little on the sweet side. Would be excellent as a dessert beer paired with ice cream.”

What our editors thought

Review printed in: Wild & Sour (June-July 2016) (View All Issues)



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