Style: Farmhouse Ale

ABV: 6.8 IBU: 35.0

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 19
Mouthfeel: 4

Off Color Brewing Apex Predator

What the brewers say

“We turn off the temperature control and let the yeast do its thing. The result is the scent of juicy fruit wafting from a frothy, white mane. Its teeth come from a Crystal dry-hopping that completes the dry finish with a fruity bite.”

What our panel thought

Aroma: “Big hoppy aroma, perhaps American hops with a touch of pine and light earthiness. As it warms, less hops and more lemon fruitiness. Juicy tangerine, passion fruit, and white grape from esters and hops.”

Flavor: “Fruit-forward from a mix of esters and hops. Slightly tart throughout with light bready malt sweetness up front and in the finish. Finish moderately dry with a bit of aspirin-like bitterness from yeast bite. The fruitiness is the star of the show.”

Overall: “Hops are featured in this beer with the fruity, lemon notes in the background. Spicy and light earthy notes cover up the esters. May be a bit young—some sulfur in the aroma and yeast bite in the flavor. Phenols are very low, but a nice juicy saison with tropical fruitiness that shines through the flavor. Very drinkable—a very good beer.”

What our editors thought



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