In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


MadTree Brewing Barrel-Aged Axis Mundi
Aroma: “Rich chocolate and high vanilla aromas (a full bean in every bottle?) with a touch of marshmallow. Vanilla starts to take over the aroma, with a medium alcohol note toward the back. Moderate cinnamon, light spicy note and light coffee. There’s a hint of roast underneath, but I have to dig my way through cream soda, white chocolate, and vanilla shortbread to find it.”
Flavor: “High vanilla and moderate spiciness that extends into the aftertaste with medium roast notes. Light earthy hops and some light chocolate with a mildly roasted coffee in the background that becomes more prominent as I sample more. A nice alcohol warming at the end of the sip.”
Overall: “A lot of vanilla! Dab some of this behind your ears before you go out, and your date will nuzzle you during the slow dances. It will probably get some people to try a stout, and that’s good.”