In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Brooklyn Brewery Black Chocolate Stout
Aroma: “Big coffee, moderate roast, light toasty, floral/citrus hops notes, dark chocolate, lots of fruity esters, with cherry and a touch of bubblegum, caramel, and molasses. Alcohol is evident. Emptied mug of latte and a chain smoker’s breath in a dive bar.”
Flavor: “Strong roast, moderate coffee, moderate toasty, some chocolate, background, fair bit of malty, prominent tropical fruity hops flavor, moderately sweet, full bodied, juicy fruit, light plum aftertaste. Long linger is dark chocolate, dates, and plums.”
Overall: “Strangely fruity for an imperial stout—gives it a unique twist and it works. A fairly long lingering chocolate note with dates and plums. Odd choice of hops? Alcohol flavor is strong, lingers in aftertaste. Fruity esters. Boozy and awesome imperial stout. The more I drink it, the more I like it.”