In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Lefebvre Blanche de Bruxelles

Aroma: “The aroma starts out with blueberry and honeydew melon, with red apple, bubblegum, bright citrus, orange, and sweet apricot. Hints of honeysuckle and orange blossom, honey, bready malt, perfumy spice, and herb.”

Flavor: “Sweet fruity flavors, with notes of apricot, mango, tangerine, and clementine—this is like drinking a liquid Dum Dum sucker. The carbonation is perfect, carrying all the flavors through the finish. Malty sweetness up front fades into a very low bitterness and acidity in the dry finish.”

Overall: “The bubblegum sticks out more than preferable, but the balance between the esters and the wheat malt is great. The fruity, candy-like complexity adds to the soft malt flavors. This beer brings forth lots of interesting citrus, herbal, and floral spice notes.”
