In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Hardywood Park Craft Brewery Bourbon Barrel GBS

Aroma: “Mexican chocolate—cinnamon, vanilla, maybe a little chile/cayenne. Super aromatic! Moderate sweetness, light coffee, light anise. Reminds me very much of cinnamon rolls. A touch of ginger and clover start to give way to a pumpkin essence.”

Flavor: “This is somewhere between a Mexican mole stout and a Christmas beer. It is very much like a cinnamon roll. Moderate sweetness with high spices that grow in intensity toward the end. Alcohol stays in the background as a warming. Light coffee note toward the end. If you like cinnamon-clove-ginger, you’ll be quite happy. Mexican hot chocolate.”

Overall: “That’s a spiced stout! If you like chai, this is a beer for you. Moderate sweet notes with the chocolate and coffee. Low alcohol stays out of the way. Move over coffee beers—this would be perfect with a cinnamon roll for breakfast.”
