In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Goose Island Beer Company Bourbon County Brand Barleywine

Aroma: “Molasses aroma, like baking gingerbread cookies. Lots of aged complexities: sherry, port, and dried fruit. Light, peaty smoke lingers. Dark fruit (cherry, g, and prune) and slight peppery phenolic. Wood and whiskey are assertive but not overpowering.”

Flavor: “Thick body with waves of molasses and dark brown sugar. The barrel peeks through with resinous vanil- la; stewed plums and candied apricots join the party mid-palate. The lightest hint of smoke and teryaki add a lush complexity. Just enough hops bitterness. Sherry oxidation tones work very well.”

Overall: “A fantastic beer that I want to savor by the re like a late vintage port. The gooey, thick body provides a stage to let the various complexities sing. Very mellow and warming. If there is such a thing as a classic bourbon-barrel barleywine, this is it.”
