In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Bières De Chimay Chimay White
Aroma: “Fruity esters (pears). Spicy phenolics (pepper and cloves). Very light with some German hops notes and a touch of sweetness.”
Flavor: “Initial impression is of curaçao orange peel, followed by carbonic acid and then a pleasant, long bitterness. Nice, round mouthfeel is a little heavier than is typical for a tripel, but it works. The orange component is unique and interesting. Slight sweetness with high carbonation.”
Overall: “Nicely balanced by the sweet malt and medium bitterness. A little full for a tripel, but it works. The unexpected orange makes for a pleasant drinking experience, and this would work well as a so-called “brewmosa” with half orange juice at brunch. The finish on this beer is superb and the carbonation gives it lots of life. Just enough malt to support the full spicy flavors from hops and yeast.”