In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Southern Tier Brewing Company Choklat Oranj
Aroma: “Smells just like those chocolate-covered orange-peel candies, and the sweet citrus notes play off the roast and milk chocolate. There’s also a hint of vanilla and a touch of alcohol. There’s very little beer aroma to this one, and while it’s super fun, it’s very singular in its approach.”
Flavor: “A rich, chewy blend of chocolate and orange, like a Terry’s Chocolate Orange you see around the holidays. The flavor starts with the chocolate malt and cocoa before the orange jumps in, which lets it come across as more candy-like than solvent. A hint of cherry peeks through. I’d love more stout character—malt body, sweetness, yeasty fruit, and hops character. A dry, bitter finish from the orange peel.”
Overall: “A fun novelty that’s as much candy as beer—a glass of chocolate-covered orange peel. The chocolate and orange were well-showcased, with some very nice flavors. Has a slightly bitter finish and balance.”