In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


The Bruery Chronology 12 Wee Heavy

Aroma: “Soy sauce, bourbon, cherries, stewed dark fruits, and cardboard oxidation. Plus, raisins, figs, and plums make this a very nice combination of malt and esters.”

Flavor: “Soy sauce, bourbon, chocolate, alcohol, oak, raisin, and dark fruit are all apparent in this full-bodied beer dominated by sweetness and cut by copious amounts of ethanol. The caramel and bourbon character work well together and the oak gives some earthiness and is present throughout the flavor and into the finish.”

Overall: “A really good wee heavy—rich, complex, sweet but not overly cloying. The barrel character adds some great complexity, but is maybe a bit over the top. If you like boozy barrel- aged beers, you’ll love this.”
