In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Eddyline Brewery Crank Yanker
Aroma: “Complex fruity hops: lemon, orange, grapefruit, peach, berry, tropical. Maybe a touch herbal and floral, but mostly fruity. Nice fruity sweetness. A little biscuit and toast.”
Flavor: “The hops character is citrus-forward (lemon, orange, a bit of grapefruit) with a touch of light stone fruit in the background and a little mint. The hops come in with a fruity sweetness that carries through the taste. Sweetness and bitterness balance, but the finish is slightly sweet.”
Overall: “Enjoyable and refreshing. A nice showcase of hops and balance between sweet and bitter. Maybe a touch sweet for an IPA, but with a nice peach and citrus hops profile.”