In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
3 Floyds Dark Lord (2017)
Aroma: “Molasses, sherry oxidized character with moderate raisin, Tootsie Roll, dark brown sugar, dark cherry, plum, and blueberry notes. Light ginger spiciness, Moderate alcohol lingering as it warms.”
Flavor: “Like eating an alcoholic gingerbread house. Heavy sweetness, molasses, gingerbread spiciness that extends into the aftertaste. Cloying sweetness covers everything but the gingerbread. Finishes with light bread, chocolate, and coffee.”
Overall: “Too sweet, too much molasses and sugar, cloying. Other characteristics are present such as spiciness, coffee, and vanilla, but they are diminished by the sweetness. One ounce is almost too much.”