In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Double Nickel IPA
Aroma: "Caramel malt, toasty. hints of raisin, dates. Nice alcohol warmth. Banana and cherry esters."
Flavor: "Malt, biscuit light toast quality in the beginning with a light grapefruit flavor in the middle of the sip. Light tartness mixed with a touch of bitterness at the end of the sip. Finishes with a mild biscuit flavor and light bitterness. A touch on the sweet side of the amount of bitterness and hop characteristics. A light mint herbal like quality."
Overall: "A fine blond ale but not enough hops for a pale ale or an IPA. Biscuit malt flavors that are a bit on the sweet side for even a blond. Needs a bit of a balance, need a ton more hops."