In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Great Lakes Brewing Company Eliot Ness
Aroma: “Medium strong malt aroma with toast and biscuits. Caramel with some melanoidin character. Subtle hops in the background. Some earthy and woody notes. Clean lager profile.”
Flavor: “Rich, sweet melanoidin malt. Caramelly and full, the crispy toast malt is followed by ethanol and reasonable hop flavor. Hop bitterness balances the malt nicely. Hop flavor is somewhat piney. Finish is dry with some warmth. Less of a malt bomb than the nose implies.”
Overall: “Slightly harsh, lingering hop bitterness combined with the rather sweet malt profile makes this beer fully flavored. Beautiful in the glass. Very pleasant, but a bit alcoholic. A well-made Vienna lager.”