In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Telluride Face Down Brown Ale

Aroma: “Chocolate and biscuity malts, dark fruits, citrusy hops, light esters. The grassy character from the hops and the grainy character from the malt play off each other nicely. Toast-forward with some medium dark caramel and classic West Coast hops. Earthy, piney hops notes up front, with a touch of toast and malt sweetness.”

Flavor: “Toasty malt with a bit of coffee roast. Toast and caramel with a touch of chocolate and classic West Coast hops. Grassy hops with a bit of herbal and pine. Moderate sweetness into moderate bitterness that all finishes clean and dry. Very well-balanced. A fairly hops-forward brown.”

Overall: “An excellent brown ale. Malt is still up front, but the hops are there and support nicely. Malt sweetness is cut with hops bitterness perfectly, and it all finishes clean and dry. Very nice! A more aggressive hops-forward version of an American Brown than many consumers may be accustomed to.”
