In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Surly First Avenue +1
Aroma: “Light on the malt aromas, but ample with hops. Floral lemongrass and grapefruit mixed with k-lime leaves, dried orange, with some woody spice mixed in for good measure.”
Flavor: “Starts with a touch of malt sweetness and light yeast esters and then just drops into an intense hops bomb with a lingering bitterness. Woody, herbal, and like an orange slice in a cup of tea. The malt tries to balance out with a bit of sweetness, but eventually loses out to the sticky bitterness.”
Overall: “Dry, crisp, and bitter, but clean and pleasantly complex. A nice balance of a malty sweet backbone and delicate, yet assertive floral and citrus hops complexity. More of a session IPA in terms of the hops level? Regardless, a beer that makes it hard to drink only one.”