In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Elevation Beer Co. First Cast IPA
Aroma: “Pleasant blend of floral and citrus hops with a light touch of toasted malt in the background. Low to medium intensity overall. Some dark fruit esters and a little grassy.”
Flavor: “Low-to-moderate sweetness, moderate-to-high bitterness that’s firm without being over powering. Malt is restrained and slightly toasty. Hops are citrus and floral, as on the aroma, with orange, lemon, and a touch of grassiness. The floral part is more subtle and harder to pick out individual flowers.
Overall: “Good balance, though maybe a touch bitter for some folks. There was a nice body to help to back up the bitterness. The citrus and grassy character in the flavor is nice.”