In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


MadTree Brewing Happy Amber

Aroma: “Like sticking my head into a hops bag—candied orange, lots of citrus, and a touch of spice. Bready malt, maybe like orange marmalade on toast. Fruity esters (cherry, pear) with some floral perfume notes.”

Flavor: “Huge hops flavor (grassy, citrus), moderate bitterness. Yes, there’s a fair amount of bready/crackery malt in the mix, but this is a hops party. Slightly sweet start with nice citrus flavors. Medium body with the hops bitterness helps to create a dry finish. Lively carbonation combined with fresh hops flavors is refreshingly zippy.”

Overall: “Orange marmalade on fresh toasted bread. Great hops aroma and flavor—an amber ale for West Coast hopheads. Nicely balanced and very drinkable. For an amber, it’s a pretty good pale ale.”
