In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Tree House Beer Company Haze
Aroma: “Lots of juicy notes on this nose. Dank and resinous hops aroma. Mild malt and moderate esters. Huge orange aromas with lemon citrus complexities. Slight malt sweetness underneath.”
Flavor: “Beautifully integrated flavors that range from lemon juicy notes to pineapple and mango. Very big hops flavor, expanding on that resinous spiciness in the nose to add some grapefruit notes. Rich but soft bitterness that lasts for days, like a dark-roast coffee. Big and chewy. Massive orange notes with some underlying complexity tasting of grapefruit and lemon. Finishes slightly bitter, begging another sip.”
Overall: “Turbid and chewy body showcases the complex hops profile with excellent execution. The hops juiciness is paramount and carries through the beer. This beer tastes like breakfast (beer-mosa anyone?). Perfect for a weekend brunch.”