In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier

Aroma: “Starts with a spicy aroma that fades as it warms, and gives way to a velvety banana aroma and overripe pineapple fruit esters. Mild nose, but the tart, bready weizenmalz comes through clearly. Whole wheat flour, and a light, sulfury yeast. Soapy hops and a touch of clove spiciness, black pepper, and cherry.”

Flavor: “Hops bitterness up front, with light wheat sweetness in the background. Once the bitterness subsides, there’s a hint of vegetal flavor in the middle. Light lemony tartness, wonderful clove, and a kiss of cardamom. Great acid, banana, and wheat—like banana bread beer.”

Overall: “It’s stronger to the clove side on the ester. The banana ester is the strong point, and worked well with the touch of vanilla. Great showcase for wheat malt flavors.”
