In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Angry Orchard Cider Company Iceman

Aroma: “Medium-sweet red apples with some brown sugar and earthy notes. Some esters of pears or peaches. Mild apple-blossom aroma melds with the esters with hints of roses and perfume.”

Flavor: “Sweet apples, fully ripe. Acidity nicely balances the residual sugars. Some tannic astringency in the aftertaste. Fairly sweet but not quite cloying as the acid supplies balance. Very fruity.”

Overall: “Rich and earthy, full of sweet, bruised-apple flavors. Perhaps a bit cloying in the midpalate from the vanilla notes. A very fruity example. Nose is richer than the flavor. Apple character is somewhat muddled. Showcases both sweet and tart apple characteristics. Very drinkable.”
