In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Glutenberg IPA
Aroma: “Lots of grassy hops notes and fruit-tree fruit esters. Dank, resiny, and citrus notes from American hops varietals, with just a hint of onion. A bit of candy sweetness combines with the hops aromas nicely, like standing in a hops farm during harvest. Hoppy notes of blueberries and mangos on top of a light honey-ish sweetness.”
Flavor: “The hops dominate in this beer. Grapefruit, grapefruit rind, tangerines, pine, some green onion, and resin flavors from the hops take center stage, with just enough sweetness to balance. Finish is balanced, with just a touch of bitterness. Dry and crisp and very drinkable.”
Overall: “Definitely a showcase of bright, citrusy American hops with spot-on bitterness and a thoughtful hops profile that should satisfy any hops lover’s needs, gluten-free or not. Well executed and worth seeking out. Very enjoyable.”