In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Traquair Jacobite Ale
Aroma: “Bright fruity esters of strawberry and peach enhanced with a touch of citrus. A rich malt sweetness underlying the esters. A really curious combination that reminds me of strawberry yogurt with coriander.”
Flavor: “Lots of concord grape with caramel and toast create a deep malt sweetness, with rich caramel and burnt sugar. Yeast esters are a bit restrained compared to the aroma, but give a red caramel apple note. The malt sweetness is balanced slightly by hops and remains surprisingly dry.”
Overall: “A delicious and complementary beer that highlights the malt wonderfully and uses yeast esters and coriander to take it to a heightened level. The coriander lends a balanced citrusy character to this Scotch Ale, but slightly astringent.”