In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Station 26 Brewing Co. Juicy Banger IPA

Aroma: “Dry and bitter pith (lemon, orange, grapefruit). Substantial pine notes play a supporting role. Clean and citrusy. Dank and skunky—not quite college dorm room. Strong hops aroma, mild caramel/toasty malt, some tropical fruit (pineapple, mango).”

Flavor: “Dank, resinous flavor, nice and strong, plus a rich citrus complexity. Slides smoothly into a rich bitterness. Moderately strong malt but still subservient to the hops. Clean, smooth bitter finish, with medium sweetness. Spicy notes, too, from the hops: oregano mostly. Tropical fruit.”

Overall: “There were nice citrus notes with some hops complexity. The bitterness was balanced to the beer and not overpowering. Stands out late in the tasting.”
