In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Hardywood Park Craft Brewery Kentucky Christmas Morning

Aroma: “Suddenly, it’s Christmas! Cinnamon/clove/nutmeg spice with a bit of ginger, too. Moderately strong coffee. Moderate vanilla and caramel. A bit of chile aroma with a touch of chocolate. As it warms, more earthy coffee notes with a light amount of alcohol.”

Flavor: “The ginger is stronger than the nose, but I still get the other Christmas spices in spades, along with vanilla. The roast malt grounds it with an earthy bitterness which emphasizes the perception of gingerbread. Mild cocoa and a hint of coconut with mild warming alcohol. Moderate coffee.”

Overall: “This is the perfect balance of coffee, chile peppers, and sweetness in a low roast, high chocolate beer! The coffee notes are earthy, which plays well with the light amount of roast astringency. Nice alcohol warming stays in the background and really highlights the coffee.”
