Style: Saison & Farmhouse Ales

ABV: 5.4

Aroma: 10
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 17
Mouthfeel: 4

The Brew Gentlemen Beer Company Ligne Claire

What the brewers say

“Ligne Claire is a saison that’s a bit more traditional in style than our normal trend of modern, hops-forward farmhouse ales (such as those in our House Saison series).”

What our panel thought

Aroma: “Very aromatic, with a high hops aroma of orange and lemongrass and a slight American hops note, perhaps pine and light grapefruit. Low spice note in the aroma, and low malt presence. Slightly astringent aroma.”

Flavor: “Wonderfully fruity up front that transitions to a spicy, peppery bitterness. Medium malt sweetness that balances the hops well. Medium-to-high body and highly carbonated, which carries throughout the drink.”

Overall: “The grapefruit and lemon really shine through, giving this beer a refreshing taste. A nice spiciness is muted in the background. Carbonation is lighter than usual for the style, but does create an interesting creamy consistency. As this warms up the spiciness and the fruity esters become a bit more balanced.”

What our editors thought



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