In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat Maredsous 10 Tripel

Aroma: “A very subdued aroma with hints of bananas, crackers, and spice. More refined and understated compared to the big, heady aroma you expect from a tripel.”

Flavor: “Despite the conservative aroma, the flavor is very agreeable. Graham-cracker malt followed by fruity esters of banana, pineapple, and apple. A slight wine note plus a hint of phenolic character that suggests green pepper and cloves. Subtle alcoholic warmth and generous but appropriate carbonation lead to a gentle but satisfying finish. Good level of bitterness.”

Overall: “A barely there aroma belies the subtle complexity of the flavors that lie within. Not a jump-up-and-shout tripel, but an honest example of a very good one that is very drinkable and very enjoyable, especially due to the dry finish.”
