In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Lagunitas Brewing Company Maximus
Aroma: “Really nice herbal hops notes (pine, juniper berry) come up front with a citrus note (orange, grapefruit) on the back. All clean and bright and neither overwhelming or underwhelming (just whelming). Light medium toasted malt hides in the background.”
Flavor: “Wonderful, complex pine and citrus hops character blends nicely with just enough malt sweetness to balance and give it a soft body. Beer is slightly sweet for the style until the very finish which is nice and dry.”
Overall: “Easy drinking, fun, and boozy with all of the classic pieces for the style: a hops profile that isn’t overly dank and resinous, but with some malt body and presence to balance. Maybe just a touch too much sweetness mid-palate. Overall, a great beer that offers all that I would want in an IIPA.”