In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze
Aroma: “Strong notes of fresh peaches and apricots balance with lighter notes of pineapple, strawberry, coconut, and lemon. Earthy Brett with barnyard and lemon-zest notes provides complexity. Clean citrus lactic provides a nice tart acidity up front.”
Flavor: “Sharp citric sourness up front joined immediately by coconut, pineapple, and mango. Aftertaste is a smooth bitter/sour blend. The coconut twist is a nice surprise. Bold flavor hits up front with fruity sweetness, apricot and peach. High carbonation helps the fruit come to life and provides warmth. The Brett wood character and funk is very present but not overpowering.”
Overall: “Great fruit character, and I really enjoyed the carbonation of this beer. One of the fruitiest non-fruited beers I have ever tried, which speaks to the amazing execution of the blend. Near-perfect balance of tartness, acidity, and fruit. Incredible, might be the best gueuze I have ever enjoyed.”