In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


The Libertine Brewing Company Our Intention is War

Aroma: “A sweet smoky roast, with slight leather, wood, and tobacco notes. Fruity esters of cherry, prune, light lemon, blackberry, and currants. It has a slight tartness, almost sourdough character, with little-to-no hops profile.”

Flavor: “A healthy amount of tartness up front, with brown sugar and a vinous character that gives way to the roast character and bitterness. Malt complexity is there but secondary to the tartness. Creamy body and sweetness, which provide an incredible amount of depth and balance.”

Overall: “The sour acidity overwhelms the underlying roasty qualities. Not entirely ‘balanced,’ yet still inviting. Overall, a delicious beer that will force you to reckon with its intense, yet rounded flavors.”
