In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Golden Road Brewing Point The Way IPA
Aroma: “Freshly zested lemon and grassy hops aromas with a light malt sweetness. Pine, grapefruit, and tangerine with some floral notes. Fruity—peach and melon with a hint of lemon zest. No green hops aroma.”
Flavor: “Very bright at the front of the palate, fades very quickly. Moderate lemon, grass, and grapefruit avors with just enough bitterness that drops into a dry finish. Almost effervescent with a slight carbonic bite. Malt body is light but enough to support the moderate hops profile. Piney and spicy with slight peppery notes. Very clean finish with a long-lasting bitterness.”
Overall: “Bright and refreshing with just enough malt body to stay in balance. A superbly ‘clean’ beer with just the right amount of bitterness to let you know it’s an IPA without overpowering the avor hops. A great lawnmower beer with less apparent alcohol level, built for drinking more than one.”