In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Lakefront Brewery Pumpkin Lager

Aroma: “A note of pumpkin sweetness with caramel malts followed by a nice complex spice character (cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg). Very clean fermentation with no perceivable hops.”

Flavor: “Sweet pumpkin and rich caramel malt notes balanced by pumpkin-pie spices, mostly cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice. Very clean and crisp with a lingering slightly sweet gingery finish. Germanish floral hops flavor plays nice. Nice full and creamy mouthfeel.”

Overall: “Incredibly smooth, clean, crisp pumpkin beer that really puts the pumpkin at the forefront. Hardly detectable as a lager, other than the clean fermentation profile and crispness, but spices are used perfectly to balance the pumpkin and malt sweetness. Very enjoyable. The malt character makes this an easy drinker.”
