In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Two Roads Brewing Company Roadsmary's Baby
Aroma: “Tart, almost lactic notes. Spice character of cinnamon, allspice, and nutmeg with some pumpkin and caramel malt notes. Orange and some vanilla, pineapple, and rum.”
Flavor: “Caramel malt sweetness and subtle notes of pumpkin give way to cinnamon and nutmeg spices. Light body and minimal barrel character. Smooth, slightly sweet, pineapple esters, slight vanilla and dark sugar. Clean, light, citrusy finish.”
Overall: “Spices are well executed, as is the base beer, but it’s odd for a pumpkin beer—the citrusy hops character dominates much more than the pumpkin or spices do. Rum-barrel character is somewhat subdued. This beer does not say pumpkin beer to me, nor does it say barrel aged; however it is balanced and drinks easy and well. Fairly sessionable, light bodied amber ale profile with esters from barrel and possibly hops.”