In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Fremont Brewing Rusty Nail 2016

Aroma: “A heavy vanilla defines the nose. Notes of burnt malt, fig, chocolate, dark stone fruits, a touch of raisin, toffee/caramel, and coconut are present as well. The barrel character is strong and wonderfully inviting.”

Flavor: “Sweetness is present up front, with burned roastiness and some dark fruits (raisin and plums) that follow. It’s a beautiful blend of chocolate, vanilla, coconut, roast, dark cherry, and molasses, with light coffee notes that add complexity. A nice blend of a bourbon-barrel character, with spice and booziness.”

Overall: “Well-rounded, blended beautifully, deeply complex, and distinctly unique. This beer takes the familiar barrel-aged stout dark fruit flavors and sweetness, braces them with perfectly placed roast, and wraps them in a warm envelope of bourbon. Delicious.”
