In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Brasserie Dupont Saison Dupont
Aroma: “Very fruity and smells delicious—lemon, apple, pear—with a touch of spice in the background. White pepper phenols and slightly herbal tea-like hops. Bready malt.”
Flavor: “High hops fruitiness of lemon and pear with a slight evidence of apple. Well-balanced among malt, hops, and yeast profiles. Medium-high carbonation. Clean dry finish. Moderate spicy phenols up front with a moderate carbonic bite. Dry finish with grape- and wine-like notes belies the layered sophistication.”
Overall: “A very well-balanced beer. Fruity, yet the peppery hops bitterness in the back provides an interesting contrast. Lots of white pepper phenols and lemon/tangerine esters trademark of French saison yeast. Slight tartness. Dry, quick finish cleans the palate for another sip. Big carbonation and tart finish make this very refreshing and incredibly drinkable.”