In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Boston Beer Company Samuel Adams Harvest Pumpkin Ale

Aroma: “Caramel malt sweetness with toffee and biscuit notes followed by subtle spices—cinnamon, clove, allspice, and ginger. Burnt sugar on top of ale-yeast fruitiness with plums and burnt pumpkin, yet very light for a pumpkin beer.”

Flavor: “Caramel malt sweetness and a hint of pumpkin open, with cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger or clove to support. Spices are full and all well-represented, but I would love a touch more weight behind them. Grassy hops are very low and appropriately restrained. A hint of sweetness in the finish.”

Overall: “Nice full-bodied pumpkin beer that goes tastefully lighter on the spices—a refreshing choice for a style filled with sometimes over-spiced beers. Great caramel malt notes and a perceivable pumpkin flavor that many pumpkin beers lack. Finishes a touch sweet, which is perfect for the style. Great beer that immediately brings up thoughts of autumn.”
