In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Anheuser-Busch InBev Shock Top Belgian White

Aroma: “Light, malty wheat sweetness accented by barely there coriander and orange. Some light floral and spice notes. Nose is hard to detect, almost absent. More spice than wheat.”

Flavor: “Malty sweet with some acidity and some coriander. Nice sweet profile of fruity notes, orange, citrus with floral and pepper notes. Medium wheat character and balanced earthy hops flavors. Slight slickness on the tongue. Finish is sweet rather than crisp but has good acidity.”

Overall: “Tastes carbonated despite no head. A crisp version of a wit. Nice sweetness and easy drinking. This beer could be excellent with a little more crispness and a little residual sweetness.”
