In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Soul Fire Brewing Co Goatman
"Moderate chocolate and light coffee malt aroma. No hop. A bit of light fig. Brown (not black) w/ ruby highlights, nearly absent head and retention. Strong malt flavor, lots of chocolate and toast. Lower coffee. Sweeter than expected with an FG more in a sweet stout range. Quite a smooth roast flavor overall and very pleasant and enjoyable to drink. Mouthfeel nice and full. Carbonation low (needs to be creamy in mouthfeel). Quite lovely, but really misses the mark on an oatmeal stout. Sweetness seems like a robust/American porter, but I don't really think the alcohol is there. Style doesn't really need to mean anything if this beer is selling well (and I expect it does)." "Black pour with ruby highlights and a thin tan head. Sweet chocolate nose with a touch of ash. Round body with a thinner underlying malt structure. Chocolate, dark roasted coffee and dark fruit flavors with an elevated roast character. Sweeter finish with more coffee notes and a lingering roast quality. Leans more porter than oatmeal stout."