In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Utah Brewers Cooperative Squatters Squasatch Hoppy Pils
Aroma: “Strong Pilsner character with low sulfur that disappears as it warms. Light orange, lemon, and black pepper hops, followed by some floral notes. Bready sweet malt background, with some honey sweetness.”
Flavor: “Smooth, light, soft Pilsner malt throughout, with a medium-sweet malt cracker background. The hops profile adds some floral notes, with a medium bitterness that carries through the finish, and some citrus character in the back. The beer finishes dry on the tongue.”
Overall: “A pretty solid Pilsner that’s refreshing and flavorful. The citrusy hops bitterness is assertive, but is balanced by the sweet malt. Has some pronounced flavors as you drink, but when you put it down, you almost forgot you just took a sip because of the dry finish.”