In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Devils Backbone Striped Bass

Aroma: “Mild earthy hops, almost turnip-like. Grainy malt character, grassy hops, and a strange tart, almost musty, aroma that grows on you over time, for some reason. As it starts to warm up, a nice bread character appears, and the beer completely changes.”

Flavor: “Nice lightly toasted malt character paired with grassy, citrus hops notes and lingering light fruit on the finish. Well-balanced on the finish, which leaves a lingering soft bitterness with fruity notes from the malt and hops. Moderate carbonation.”

Overall: “Aroma and flavor are very different. A distinctive, almost weird, beer that is hard to put a finger on but grows on you over time. The malt body is dry with nice fruit qualities on the finish. The hopping adds a spicy/pine character.”
