In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Black Project Supercruise Cab Sauv

Aroma: “Crisp and inviting. Some nice grape, pear, and cherry, followed by genuine cellar funk, woody earthiness, and a slight lemon tartness.”

Flavor: “Well blended. There is a really fun balance between some nice sweetness, some earthiness, a little funk, and a light tartness. The fruit character of grapes, a little cherry, some strawberry, also has notes of peanuts, wine cork, oak ,and vanilla. Quite acidic overall with a sticky mouthfeel, but finishes great without the punishing dryness of over-attenuation.”

Overall: “The fruit and wild fermentation characters are the primary qualities, and each express depth and nuance. Not much in the way of beer character—the strong acidity and lingering sweetness cover that up for the most part.”
